1. Select cookies you want to keep in the New list.
2. Move them to the Cookies to keep list with the "<<" button that is between these lists.
3. Now, select cookies you want to destroy (in the New list).
4. Move them in the Cookies to destroy list with the ">>" button that is between these lists.
5. Pusk OK to destroy selected cookies and quit Cookies Manager.
Future uses :
Both lists of cookies to keep and to destroy are stored. Then, if a cookie come back (when you browse on the same address that created a cookie), it is automatically destroyed without a new selection.
Remark : cookies not present at this moment are grayed.
Follow the 5 same steps depend on how are the new cookies created.
What kind of cookie must be destroyed ? :
The answer is : each cookie you have no use can be destroyed !
You can keep cookies which modify how a page is displayed or tell you what is new on a web site.
Other cookies have to be destroyed (my thougth) !
When launching Cookies Manager ? :
Sure, you can launch Cookies Manager when you want! If you are surfing every day, it is a good choice to put it in Windows startup menu.